When sending items to K-GoodsShop, how should the contact information be written in the shipping information?

Shipping Service
24/Feb/2023 14:54:41
When sending items to K-GoodsShop, please enter your personal contact information in the shipping information. If you do not have a Korean contact number, you can use the following numbers:

Phone number: 031-978-0924
Mobile phone number: 010-9255-6710

※ The above contact numbers are strictly for shipping information purposes only and should not be used for any other purposes such as purchasing goods or services, registering for memberships, or personal verification. Violation of this may result in penalties under the Electronic Commerce Act, so please be cautious.

※ If you include these contact numbers in your order information, you may not receive important notices or announcements from the seller or online shopping mall. Therefore, please use these contact numbers only for shipping information purposes. K-GoodsShop does not assume any responsibility for any disadvantages arising from the misuse of contact information.